A Contemplative Community
![]() | We pray constantly for the intentions of all who ask our prayers
and for
the needs of all in the world. Our primary dedication is to promote holiness
in God's priests through our life of perpetual Eucharistic Adoration day
and night. We live a simple community life which is essentially one of a
family spirit and a continual response to God's Will as it unfolds moment
by moment. LIFE: A fully contemplative community dedicated to the sanctification of priests and committed to living an intensive life of prayer, charity and unity, centered around the Person of Jesus Christ, our Eucharistic King. The fruition of the Handmaids' life of prayer and self-immolation is to be realized in a hidden life of deep personal sacrifice and constant prayerful intercession in the interest of the holiness of all priests and in behalf of the needs of all souls. |
The Sisters strive in all they do to be deeply loyal to Christ and to His Church. In the tradition of their Founder, they express this particularly by their fidelity to the Vicar of Christ on earth, our Holy Father the Pope.
SPIRIT: By the call of God we form a true family, like the first Christian community. We are gathered in His name around our Mother Prioress, a true spiritual mother and friend. Together we seek the Will of God from moment to moment in faith and simplicity. This brings a peace like unto that of the Holy Family, whose hearts were completely united. LIFE OF PRAYER: Eucharistic Sacrifice: The Eucharistic Sacrifice begins our day with the entire community participating. | ![]() |
![]() | Perpetual Adoration:
We have the great privilege of keeping Our Lord company day and night
in Perpetual Adoration. Each Handmaid has a daily private Holy Hour and several
night Holy Hours during the week before
the Blessed Sacrament Exposed on our Altars. Divine Office: In chanting the entire Liturgy of the Hours in union with Christ, we serve the whole Church in this most efficacious prayer for the salvation of the world. The Rosary: As a truly mystical extension of the life of our Blessed Mother, the fifteen decades of the Rosary, said in community, have a special, permanent place in our daily prayer-life. Personal Prayer: We advance daily into the Heart and Mind of Christ by interior prayer and meditation. |
Spiritual Reading: Reflective reading, especially
of Sacred
Scripture, is an integral part of our daily life and a wellspring of
SILENCE: An atmosphere of quiet expresses to others the Presence
of God.
Exterior as well as interior silence is necessary to our life of prayer and
![]() | THE APOSTOLATE: The Eucharistic contemplative life is the Handmaids' primary and fundamental apostolate for priests and all souls. This end is achieved, secondarily, by certain spiritual works of mercy. We seek to reach out not only to priests, but to all persons throughout the world. This apostolic dimension includes international prayer associations of priests, religious and laity to bring spiritual support to the priesthood. |
THE RELIGIOUS HABIT: The Habit is of wine-red color (symbolizing the Precious Blood), full length, with a white veil. It includes a rosary, and a scapular to which is attached a small emblem signifying the Holy Spirit and a Chalice. The Habit is worn at all times, both inside and outside of the monastery. It is uniform for all professed Sisters. A ring is worn by the perpetually professed Sisters. | ![]() |
The Oblates of the Precious Blood constitute a "Society of Apostolic Life" and were established with Ecclesiastical approval, on the feast of Corpus Christi, June 21, 1981, by the Handmaids of the Precious Blood, a fully contemplative Congregation, with Pontifical Status. Canonically, the Oblates of the Precious Blood are not a Third Order; meetings are not held and promises relating to the evangelical counsels are not made. A Solemn Resolution of Love is made by the Oblates.
![]() | Participation in the
and spirituality of the Handmaids of the Precious Blood, with whom the Oblates
are affiliated and united, is individual in character and free from group
or social aspects. There are no dues for membership. Aspirations: Oblates
of the Precious Blood endeavor to promote the glory of God by: 1) personal holiness, in imitation of Christ's perfect love of God and neighbor and 2) prayer and sacrifice for the sanctification of Priests. They give this intention a central place in their prayer for the Church, the world, their families and their own personal needs. Dedication: Like the members of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Precious Blood, Oblates pray and sacrifice for the sanctification of Priests, honor the Precious Blood of Jesus and the Sacred Heart; living in union with Mary and in devotion to Eucharistic Adoration. |
Who may become an Oblate?
Any Catholic who belongs to a Rite which is in communion with the Holy See
in Rome, who is faithfully practicing our Holy Catholic Faith and who receives
the Sacraments regularly is eligible for membership in the Oblates of the
Precious Blood. Members of Third Orders may become Oblates, and many
How to become an Oblate:
Interested persons should write to the Mother Prioress of the Handmaids of
the Precious Blood, asking for an application form. When making application,
the prospective candidate must have a spiritual sponsor, a Priest, Confessor,
or Religious, who knows the applicant well; the name and address of this
sponsor will be requested on the application.
You are invited to write Rev. Mother Prioress at
MOTHERHOUSE: Cor Jesu Monastery
P.O. Box 68
Jemez Springs, New Mexico 87025
for further information and an application form.
![]() | The Community of the Handmaids of the Precious Blood was founded on May 25, 1947 (Pentecost Sunday) by the Very Reverend Gerald Fitzgerald, S.P. |
There is no e-mail address to the community.